Category Archives: Fulford Archives

3.4.13 Murder attempt against Queen Elizabeth II foiled, manhunt on for former “black pope” Peter Hans Kolvenbach, March 5, 2013

Ben Fulford: Murder attempt against Queen Elizabeth II foiled, manhunt on for former “black pope” Peter Hans Kolvenbach, March 5, 2013

World news media have been widely reporting that Queen Elizabeth II has been hospitalized with “gastroenteritis” but MI5 sources are saying the Queen is not ill and that the story was put out so that she could cancel a trip to Rome where there was a real murder plot against her. The MI5 source says that Peter Hans Kolvenbach, the former “black pope,” or head of the Jesuits, who already got rid of the Pope, was plotting to get rid of the Queen during her Rome visit as a part of his plan to create a “one world religion.” Kolvenbach is now hiding in Lebanon where he has been helping orchestrate the ongoing Muslim brotherhood led “revolutions,” in the Middle East. He is expected to be captured and taken in for questioning soon.

Kolvenbach has been previously recording bragging on the phone that he was the mastermind behind the 311 nuclear and tsunami terror attack against Japan, according to CIA and MI5 sources. He has also been recorded threatening to poison Adolfo Nicolas, the current Superior General of the Society of Jesus, the same sources say. Nicolas and the Queen are both cooperating with Asian groups and the White Dragon Society to push for a massive campaign to end poverty and stop environmental destruction.

In any case, if it turns out Queen Elizabeth II follows Queen Beatrix of Holland and the Pope out of office, then the next in line for removal will be

US President Obama, according to the gnostic illuminati faction. The gnostic illuminati claim to have started the French, American and Russian revolutions and are now pushing to free Europe and the US from cabalist bloodline rule, according to one of their “grand-masters.” According to the original, and now unraveling, plot to create a “New World Order,” Barak Obama was supposed to be the leader of a world government that would oversee the merging of Islam and Christianity into a one world religion.

However, instead of presiding over the birth of a fascist world government, Obama has been presiding over the bankruptcy of the United States of America.

The cabalists in control of the Washington D.C. corporate government, however, are still trying to cling stubbornly to the old plot. US Secretary of State John Kerry, who is part of the Vatican led homosexual Skull and Bones secret society, visited the Middle East last week in a fruitless attempt to get the New World Order agenda back on track.

However, a global financial and economic boycott against the D.C. cabal has meant the US cannot even afford to keep much of its fleet of aircraft carriers afloat which is why the pentagon announced, while Kerry was in the Middle East, that one of the two aircraft carriers in the Persian Gulf would be removed due to budget cuts.

In any case, only the most truly brainwashed idiots can still believe the cabalist claims, ones they have been making constantly for over 20 years (since 1992) that “Iran was months away from making a nuclear bomb and so we need to start World War 3.”

A senior member of the Vatican P2 fascist freemason lodge warned the P2 was “joining with the cabalists” in a battle to maintain the status quo adding that they are “desperate and so ready to use every option.”

Given their past penchant for carrying out genocide and mass murder to achieve political objectives (eg Hitler, Stalin, 911, 311) they may be plotting to blow up Rome in an attempt to blame it on, and thus discredit, peace loving anti-terrorist groups like the White Dragon Society.

The cabalists have also been using an agent by the name of Adnan Sacly to claim inheritance rights to historical Asian treasure that was used to found the cabal front known as the BIS. Sacly falsely claims to have inherited these rights from Madame Chiang Kai Shek who was an heiress to the fabulous Sung dynasty treasure, according to the CIA.

In any case, the cabalists are facing the very real threat of revolution in Europe. The Italian election has resulted in a hung parliament with the 20-40 age group internet generation voting en masse for the anti-establishment 5 Star movement. This party is calling for a debt renegotiation and a return to the Lire. If there is a re-election, they are expected to win and the result would be the end of the Euro and a subsequent collapse of the German financial system (since they are Italy’s biggest creditor).

In the UK as well, the anti-EU Independence Party won a bi-election only to have it stolen by means of a “huge postal vote,” according to and MI5 official. It is now expected that the UK will head into a general election in May that will result in an anti-EU coalition taking power, the official says.

Signs like these, together with the horrific economic data emerging in the West, make it clear both the EU and the US are visibly falling into bankruptcy. Reality is something that no amount of cabal propaganda can cover up forever, it has a way of catching up and prevailing.

In Asia, meanwhile, the new Chinese regime formally took the reins of power this week and is eager to show its mettle. What they must first prove is whether they are mice or men. If they are mice, they will be manipulated by the cabal into a war with Japan that will hurt both China and Japan as well as destroy Asian unity. If they are men, they will completely revamp the world architecture of power away from an inbred European elite and into the hands of the people of the world. In specific, that means totally overhauling the UN (they can start by moving its headquarters to Asia), the BIS, the World Bank, the IMF, NATO etc.

The Asian Secret Societies made a sacred promise that if Asia was once again placed at the center of world power, they would end poverty and stop environmental destruction. The heavy pollution choking China and the accelerating destruction of the global ecology mean they are not keeping their sacred promise to the creator. If they fail to keep this promise, the mandate of heaven will be taken away.

12.17.2012 FULFORD – The world will not end this Friday, December 21st 2012, but it almost did

Lot of History here folks…..

Posted by benjamin

December 17, 2012
This Friday will be the long talked about Mayan etc. December 21st, 2012 end of the world date. When that date comes and goes, it will be time to examine forensically exactly who was behind the various Nibiru, Planet X, photon belt, rapture etc. stories that all predicted the death of 80% or more of all humans. We need to do this becausea very real plot to start World War 3 and a fake end-times did exist and, although the plot has been stopped, many extremely dangerous mass murderers behind this satanic scheme still walk the corridors of power in the West.
The purge of the over 26 Pentagon generals and the fall of the Bush family are just a start. We need to deal with the rest of the cabal in order to make sure that humanity will never again be enslaved.
To help carry out this process, this week we will provide detailed forensic intelligence on some of the still active cabalists and their on the ground agents. We would also like to report extremely good, very concrete news on the new financial system but loose lips sink ships so we cannot give out much detail yet.
Since many of the top cabalists, like the Rockefellers and Rothschilds are well known, we will concentrate on people who were directly involved in fighting against the White Dragon spokesperson. In Japan, the first people who began threatening, trying to drug and trying to kill me were self-described Ninja’s sent to me by former Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi’s Finance Minister Heizo Takenaka. Their names are Shiramine and Tenzan Nakai. Shiramine threatened to kill me and Nakai tried to get me to drink a glass of orange juice spiked with amphetamines so he could ruin my image by filming me stoned.
Later an agent then going by the name of Slasha Zaric but now going by the name Alexander Romanov came to me with 70 kilos of marijuana laced with mind-destroying chemicals. The marijuana was delivered to Romanov by a South African using the name Spencer. Spencer, who is linked to MI6 says MI6 was fooled into sending Zaric to me by the CIA and says the spiked marijuana came from a man named Rodriguez (now dead) who was the former right-hand man of Columbian drug lord Pablo Escobar. Steve McLure, the “music journalist” who talked me into taking a line of cocaine while being secretly filmed also got his cocaine from the same ultimate CIA route.
This brings us to Tom Clines of Iran Contra South American drugs for weapons fame because his is the name dropped by Neil Keenan when he first contacted me.
MI6 asset Dr. Michael Van de Meer once warned me that former UK Prime Minister Tony Blair had bragged to him that I was going to be jailed on drug charges. Recall that Blair, together with George Bush Jr. both went to the pope to ask for protection and convert to Catholicism after leaving office.
Since that takes us to the Vatican, let us then return to the incident in Chiasso, Italy where two Japanese, Akihiko Yamaguchi and Tsuyoshi Watanabe, had $134.5 billion worth of bonds seized from them by the Italian police. After the bonds were seized, self-described Italian P2 lodge “prince” and heir Leo Zagami introduced Daniel Dal Bosco as a Vatican banker who could cash the bonds.
Neil Keenan was also involved because he was given an additional 1 trillion worth of bonds to hand over to Dal Bosco for cashing. Dal Bosco was then closely followed until the trail ended with the UN offering Dal Bosco $100 million to go away. Also, out popped a rival group calling itself the OITC, using David Sale as a spokesperson, claiming that it had the historical rights to the bonds.
At this point Peter Hans Kolvenbach, the Agnelli Brothers, Giancarlo Bruno, Vincenzo Mazzara, the Orsini family, Baron Thyssen, Carl Rove, David Eisenhower and a whole bunch of characters straight from central casting pop out.
Then, when the money still did not flow from Asia to the cabal, Japan was attacked on March 11, 2011 with nuclear weapons placed on the seabed to cause a tsunami and timed with the destruction of the Fukushima nuclear plant with a micro-nuke planted by the Israeli company Magna BSP. J. Rockefeller, Yasuhiro Nakasone, Ichiro Ozawa, Benjamin Netanyahu, Leo Zagami and Peter Hans Kolvenbach have all been forensically linked with this attack. When this mass murder still did not force the Asians to fork over more money, multiple attempts, all stopped by the Pentagon, were made to start World War 3.
There has also been a rash of murders and murder attempts. Some of the victims have been Japanese finance ministers and ambassadors as well as Dr. Van de Meer. The Van de Meer murder has been linked to David Eisenhower and the Bushes. None of these murders has caused the funds to flow.
There have also been murder attempts. On March 10th, the night before the attack, an attempt to poison me was made by yet another self-described Ninja linked to J. Rockefeller. Alexander Romanov also survived an assassination attempt that day. The next poisoning attack against me, when I was stabbed with a poisoned needle in June of this year, has been traced to a North Korean agent by the name of Mutsuaki Okubo, according to Chinese sources.
My suggestion is to round all these people up and start questioning them if they do not voluntarily come forward to confess.
Meanwhile, the Cabalists now seem to have split into two opposing camps. The Rockefellers and the Pope are hoping to arrest the Rothschild family and dethrone the Queen, according to Neil Keenan.
Keenan, who has just returned from Indonesia, meanwhile, succeeded in photographing the, until now, legendary bunkers full of cash and gold that are there. The photos can be seen at this link:
Nonetheless, Keenan has still not been able to actually start dispersing any of the funds because he is still being blocked at some mysterious level. The man who was supposed to help him remains in jail in Indonesia.
This writer was also shown bunkers full of gold and cash last week but I have not been given permission to publish any photographs of them. However, we believe that the new government in Japan and the soon to be new government in Korea will coordinate with the new bosses in China and the re-elected Obama government to release a flood of money to the people of the world soon. We would like to believe it will happen in time for the December 25th solar new year celebration known as Christmas.

However, that depends on all the players giving up selfish thoughts.

7.31.12 Fulford Full Version

Why the West is now under Nazi rule and why the elite are in denial
Benjamin Fulford, July 31, 2012

A visit to Canada and long conversations with bankers, newspaper editors and others still living inside the “mainstream” story about world events has exposed a deliberate state of factual denial about what is really happening in the Western terrorist states. The editor of a major North American newspaper, for example, made it clear to this writer that he needed to believe the official story about 911 and everything else the Western terrorist governments were saying because the alternative would be to radically restructure a world view he created over a lifetime. The bankers and other “elite” also fervently pushed the truth about things like “global warming based on CO2″ but immediately stopped the discussion and changed the subject when evidence was presented showing it was a fraud. The head of a major medical research laboratory, for his part, made it clear that openly researching subjects like bio-weapons (HIV, SARS, “bird flu” etc.) being spread by the cabalists would mean and end to his research institute’s grants and unemployment for him and his colleagues.

What these highly intelligent and thoroughly indoctrinated Westerners all share in common is a financial interest (jobs, salaries and high social status), a family to support and a fear that openly discussing the fascist coup d’etat that took place in the West would lead to unemployment, poverty and ostracism. However, when certain key words and phrases are avoided (for example by discussing “oligarchs” instead of “cabalists”) it is clear their world view is beginning to fall apart despite their deep personal need to cling to the “official” Western story. They are like loyal lifetime card bearing communists speaking in wavering voices of their loyalty to communism just before the fall of the Soviet Union.

The coming autumn chaos will force people like this to finally confront reality.

The newspaper editor, for example, was, after much discussion, willing to agree that 911 might have been an inside job but that he had trouble conceiving such a massive conspiracy as being possible. However, when he was given the detailed financial historical background (Green Hilton Memorial, the BIS, the lawsuits against the Federal Reserve Board, the fact the Patriot act is nearly identical to the Nazi constitution etc.), he expressed a willingness to start exposing this stuff in his newspaper. This writer has agreed to provide the paper with fact-checkable articles that will expose the cabal. If all goes well, systematic exposure of the financial fraud behind the Federal Reserve Board and the European Central Bank etc. will begin being published by this paper starting in September. At that time, the paper will be named and links to the articles will be sent to readers. However, the editor of the paper may find that “pressure from above” may force him to back-pedal on his offer to help expose what is really happening.

The head of the medical research team, for his part, promised to discreetly check from a scientific standpoint, if it was really true that SARS and other recent diseases were man made bio weapons. However, he may find that too much diligent research will lead to a visit from alphabet agency heavies or from the people controlling his grants. We shall see. This award winning researcher and his team were one of many who had their funding cut off in recent years until they agreed to stop further research into life extension. Instead he is now being forced (by fear of losing financing) to do research into diseases that will require expensive drug therapy to “treat.” If his team can find alternative funding he says they will go back to life extension research.

The bankers were a harder case to deal with but they did admit that rampant greed and incompetence has thoroughly imperilzaed [imperialized] the entire banking system. They also expressed surprize that mass arrests of prominent bankers had not begun. Until that happens, they said they will continue to “follow the money.”

One thing that all these highly educated and intelligent “elitists” showed is that as soon as the ultimate source of money in the West changes, people with a strong financial interest in the status quo will change their stripes overnight. In other words, they will change their worldview or at least their public worldview to suit whoever controls their paychecks.

That is why the current ruling cabal is doing absolutely everything in their power to prevent the control of the creation and distribution of Euros and dollars to be taken away from them. They know that as soon as that happens, the entire house of cards they have built up will collapse. They will continue to fight, kicking and screaming, to preserve the status quo until the very last.

Nonetheless, as the saying goes, denial is not a river in Africa and the unavoidable fact remains that the historical rights to most of the world’s gold (the ultimate basis of the BIS and central banking in the West) do not belong to the cabalists who have been using them. Even if the Western central banks say they are no longer on a gold standard, they still do not have money because the Western countries as a whole have been borrowing from the rest of the world for the past 30 years. The line of credit that made this possible is now drying up and many Western countries have come to the realization they no longer make very much actual “stuff,” they can use to trade with the rest of the world.

In other words, the vast majority of the world’s money that is backed by physical reality (real estate, factories, commodities, manufactured goods) is no longer under their control and that their fraudulent derivative money is being shunned. The 150 nation BRICS alliance is holding almost all the cards now.

The best available intelligence at this point still indicates that this autumn will be a time of major change. The entire Western financial system may be held together with duct tape and rubber bands until the regime changes expected in China and the US in November. However, there is a big September financial deadline that may force changes sooner than then.

Next week this writer will be back in Asia and will be meeting with Chinese and North Korean officials and will report on these meetings. The Chinese have already said that new North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un was “getting too big for his boots.”

There will also be detailed discussion on the nature and history of the Japanese secret society known as “yatagarasu” or the three legged crow based on information obtained during discussions with members of this group in Tokyo and Kyoto.