Category Archives: White Hats Report

7.27.14 Fact Check #125

Fact Check #125

by whitehatauxiliaries




I thought it best to move on from FC 124, and the unpleasant topic surrounding it. It’s time to once again to assume a readiness posture and remain patient for events that are germane to our work to transpire. We continue to watch with high anticipation and expectation.

We do not know in what precise form these events will manifest themselves to the general public. Such exact plans are not a part of our pay grade, and never will be. That is perhaps a very good thing. However, as we ALL know, these plans are real, they are going to come about, and we have been warned to prepare for them (See FC115). If, by some chance, we are entrusted to release information of a contemporaneous nature, we will do so. By that I mean, “as the event unfolds”.

In the recorded history of Earth I am not aware of a time when a new century held so much potential for a culture to move forward as one, and with enough talent, technology and understanding to learn from past mistakes and make improvements that far exceed any that would have been possible in decades past. There are no shortages of people who want to assist with such advances. I am lucky to know a few of them. There are also no shortages of people who want to hinder them – just for personal gain and power – at the cost of literally holding back an entire planet from making much needed adjustments and preparations for the future. Remember, the future is something we create. It is not some cold mathematical formula that is necessarily pre-ordained by a shrink-infested, half-ass focus group, or burnt out, mentally ossified, intransigent statisticians.

It’s bad enough that we are faced with so much resistance to cultural advancement from within our own species. We also have to contend with threats from off world acts of nature that we are not adequately prepared to deal with. One example is found here. We better get busy and focus on important matters, and those are not things like Kim Kardashian’s buttocks, or Miley Cyrus’ tongue.

The basic mission we have been following for so long is simply stated as “repairing the world’s shattered, looted and hopelessly bankrupt financial system“. That is WHY these events are needed. It is not something to do for lack of something better, or to impress people at cocktail parties. This is a very serious step for the world to take – but is often cheapened by the “used car salesman” atmosphere of the self promoters and braggarts . But, even then, when all is done and we have achieved the goals set forth, then what?

To that end, look ahead. The past is fixed, but the future is not. There is much work to be done, and as a culture, we are pretty far behind.

Continue to disregard guru “intel” and simply wait for things to simply happen. Even if you knew every detail, every timetable, every nuance and direction of every erg and dyne of the entire matter, there is little most of you could do to take advantage of it. We are all in a good position to know what is possible to be known. There is no need to wander the landscape in search of more.

No matter what the outcome, I want you all to know that it has been my pleasure to assist in bringing forth information and greater understanding of this journey into the future. This includes introducing many more people to the work of the White Hats and how such ties into anticipated events. For now, baring any further unexpected need, this will be our last Fact Check until such time we are given authorization to deliver further information to you.

Again, our thanks goes out to our White Hat contact, the White Hats, their colleagues, support staff and all those who are working on these important matters.

Thank you.


6.26.14 Fact Check #123


by whitehatauxiliaries



Thank you, Don Corleone. But really, I don’t mind!

First, I wish to apologize for this Fact Check being issued in advance of the commencement of the long awaited event. Please, relax. This is not some announcement or “heads up”.

The following are my words only. I am not writing because of anyone’s instruction or prompting.

The reason I am communicating with our readers at this time is because I have been reviewing the over 550 comments in FC 122 and I am seeing a slight anxiety that is really unnecessary.

The anxiety was further called to my attention from the many back channel e-mails requesting more Fact Checks, for “any further information possible”, or just some bit of hope that we will soon see the RV and such.

If I could, I would present updates from the front lines, in real time, all day long. But, that is just not possible. Of course, there are those on the numerous other guru blogs that seem to do just that, but we certainly know such landscape is wanting of accuracy and sometimes is of questionable motive.

Over the last 30 days I have had some brief communication with our contact. I initiated the communication to discuss the possibility of issuing a Fact Check on recently released information that was highly questionable in my mind. But, after accepting counsel on the matter, it was decided that, at this stage of the process, to disregard any notions of further checking and continue a quiet posture and shift attention to planning the important work of the future.  As advised, we issued no such Fact Check. I want you to know that I really wanted to cover the particular material.  But, as Mr. Spock would say, “The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few, or the one“. During the aforementioned communication, it was mentioned that things are going very well. There was no mention of defeat or retreat.

To further assuage any anxious feelings, please do not lose sight of the reason all of these fine people are working so hard. They are not gathered in such a large force to prattle of great visions for the future – and then give up. As mentioned in FC 115, we are going to see the largest financial shift in world history come down the pike, and we better prepare for it. Do so.

As we discussed in the last Fact Check, there really are no issues of critical importance that require WHA to make inquiries of our WH friends on a continual basis at this time. The tone and form of my last several communications with our contact have been markedly different than in the past. It is similar to the feel of a business meeting that has reached its conclusion, where everyone in the meeting knows that further discussion would only be pedantic and repetitive. At some point the discussions and questions have to stop and the theoretical ideas in that meeting have to be put into practical use, or what was the point of the meeting? So, please understand that it is my judgment, at this time, to continue to suspend further significant inquiries to our WH contact unless absolutely critical.

Please continue to shift your attention away from the mechanics of “when” and onto the implementation of your particular planned contributions and personal financial arrangements.  Let those who are in charge of the WGS, etc., attend to such matters of “when” and “how”. Those issues are completely and utterly out of our hands by virtue of the specific station, talents and abilities that only certain people posses to effect the desired result. Again, focus on what you CAN do when the time comes.

The few complainers and malcontents that have shown mental incapacity for such thinking have long gone from our midst. It is only natural that they have gone, as this environment will not nurture such behavior. Such indifference and defective thinking is what got us into such a mess, and it will not get us out of it.

In closing, let me say that our readership has been very supportive. I am very glad to have met so many wonderful, caring and supportive people while administering the blog. I know many of you will make great contributions to supporting the advancement of social betterment and technological advancement of the living standards for all, and to foster better relationships with all nations and people.

Continue to set the good example you have, remain patient and know that we will post anything we are instructed to post, if anything, or any other significant news, right away.

Thank you!


5.26.14 Fact Check #122

Fact Check #122

by whitehatauxiliaries

Changing Gears


Once again, I had the pleasure of a conversation with our White Hat contact a few days ago. As usual, he was very generous with his valuable time.

Now, I know all of you are hoping I will give you all a magic date, set in stone, guaranteeing the RV and all associated transactions within the WGS. Even if I was given such a date, I would not print it here. And, if I was not given a date, the effect is the same: No disclosure of such a date. Further, what would releasing such a date accomplish? Who would believe it? Not many. So, let me sum up the date issue by saying that continual efforts are being made to conclude the release of the WGS, and such efforts will continue until success is achieved. The day will come, but my experience leads me to believe that a public pre-announcement is not in the cards. 

Once again, no such mention of having to wait until 2015 was given to me.

Keep in mind that it is impossible for our contact to disclose every known detail to us. There are going to be unknown variables at work that may cause the information to fluctuate and seem oddly incongruent at times. This is simply the byproduct of the interactions in the very complex systems that are being retooled and reorganized. You know these details by now. Over 200 countries are involved, with massive amount of changes that are reaching into every department of every government involved.

The complexity of this staggers the imagination. Some of the information we discussed about the motives and reasons behind the desire for the cabal to maintain power are truly shocking. It goes way beyond just financial control of the planet – way, way beyond. 

It all boils down to those who stepped up to say, “No more”, versus those who want to continue with their dark agenda. Where those points meet, there is resistance. Resistance has to be overcome. It seems up one day, then down the next. The reason for that is the great dynamic of interaction at the points of the two counter forces at play in this planet-wide battle for the control of the financial/economic/political/technological centers of our world.

At this time, there is no further available information I can disclose. This is not to say that such information does not exist, or that things are not moving. We have to live within the confines of such an arrangement for the good of all. Nonetheless, be ready to act. Remember FC 115 – a free gift of advice from our contact.Don’t pay attention to guru “intel” and remember to help others.

We have come to a point in our work at WHA where it is obvious that the nature and scope of this activity is such that no greater truths, timetables or revelations will be possible at this time. The next step of any significant consequence will be the event itself, not more updates. We have the official WH blog which details the corruption by those in power at the highest levels, and confirms the existence of the Global Currency Reset, The Global Settlements, and the balance of payments owed to those on the Basel lists. We have been given approximate rate information, and an expected date range for conclusion. We are as informed as we can be. It will not get any better for us at this level. Still, we are better informed than most.

Fact Check #122 will be the last update baring the event itself, with the exception of notification that we will push into 2015, or if I am instructed to deliver to you a specific message important enough to release via this channel.

This posture is to accomplish two goals. First, it is to lighten the load on our WH contact. It’s not that he has asked us to, but I cannot see the need to bother him for information that is simply not going to be allowed for public disclosure. 

Secondly, you have all the information you need to act when this issue plays out, and we do not need to spend time “fact checking” the guru intel world for you any further. At this stage you should all be well above all that hype and see the reason for it: Self promotion and profit from monetized blogs which position themselves next to the “RV” for marketing purposes.

Rest assured that we will immediately post anything that we are told to post. We are not closing. We are simply adjusting our flanks to hold our position until further notice. You may continue to post in the threads.

Remember, a good 99% of what you will see on most blogs addressing the RV, etc., is inaccurate, embellished and misleading information. You do not need to read such things to successfully proceed once the obvious signs are everywhere. Just use your common sense, and remember, there will not be a second chance.

I wish to once again thank our White Hat contact, the White Hats, their staff and associates the world over for their hard work and continuing efforts to bring forth much needed changes and justice for our world’s economic, social and political systems, which are currently in a degraded and deplorable condition from years of theft, public indifference and incompetent management.

All of us need to stop and appreciate what these men and women are doing. They are making tremendous personal sacrifices on a continuing basis and show no signs of letting up until the job is done. 

Thank you.