Category Archives: White Hats Report Archives

July 28, 2011 – WHITE HATS REPORT #24

Thursday, July 28, 2011

UPDATE:  OBAMA OFFSHORE TRADING PROFITS EXCEED 3 BILLION DOLLARSOBAMA IGNORES WORLD COURT ORDERS; OBAMA MENTAL CONDITION IS OF CONCERN TO STAFFERS; OBAMA IMPEACHMENT INEVITABLE!We have been informed once again that Obama has flipped and flopped on the World Global Settlements.Since our White Hats Report # 16 wherein we explain that President Obama had moved the funds from the Vatican Bank into a trading program with Josef Ackermann at Deutsche Bank, his trading profits have far exceeded 3 Billion Dollars according to Falcone’s investigators.  At the present time, Obama has closed out his accounts at Deutsche Bank and is no longer trading directly with Josef Ackermann.   It is still possible that Josef Ackermann may be assisting Obama with movement of his funds into other European banks in an attempt to obscure their relationship.

We have been told that this latest series of moves by Obama is a reaction to the White Hat Reports and all of the ongoing investigations he is and is not, aware of.   Although Obama still retains his accounts at HSBC and Barclay Bank, it appears that Obama is now trying to hide his funds by moving them into accounts in Central America and Asia.   As we previously reported, Price Waterhouse Coopers has put Barclay Bank on notice for the mismanaged and handling of Falcone’s stolen funds and also for hiding these funds for the CIA. Investigators will continue to watch the movement of these illegal funds as evidence for future Impeachment and legal proceedings against Obama.

It doesn’t take a genius to talk knowledgeably of Obama’s greed and narcissism in destroying America.  Obama’s only goal is to fatten his bank accounts at the expense of the US citizens, US Constitution and America.  From a forensic psychology standpoint, Obama feels entitled by his actions and is using the Office of the President to destroy America while taking billions of dollars out of the United States for his personal gain.

This evening, Obama informed the World Court that as long as he was President of the US, he would not sign off on the Global Settlements. As evidenced by Bonney’s letter referenced and cited in WH report #23, the income taxes paid to the US from a few GS recipients would almost pay off the national deficit and with tax revenues generated from other recipients involved collaterally in the Global Settlements, the US government would experience a surplus.  And publicly the debate rages over whether the US needs to raise the debt ceiling when the solution is being ignored by Obama. With impeachment proceedings on the horizon, could criminal charges for tax evasion be far behind?

The entire world is on pins and needles watching the pending close of the World Global Settlements tomorrow which triggers the Revaluation of the Iraqi Dinar and about 100 other countries at the same time. Obama got another burr in his mental craw and told the World Court he has absolutely no intention of releasing the World Global Settlements while he is in office.

We have spoken to some of his closest confidants and staffers within his inner circle.  They are all very concerned about his overall mental stability.  His own staff is attempting to move away from him because they don’t want to be involved with his rapidly enlarging personal ego, the power that he wields as the President and his deteriorating capacity to separate his personal vengeance towards his political enemies from the duties of the Office of the President. With the upcoming election next year, they want to distance themselves from his disastrously failing Administration as soon as possible

Obama knows his days are seriously numbered and the House of Representatives is speeding towards impeachment (they have the required votes already in hand) after his television folly this week regarding the Debt Ceiling.

What we have also been told is that ALL Obama cares about, if he is going to be impeached, is his bank account.  His bank account?  Really?

Our statement to the United States House of Representatives:

Now is the exact time for the House to complete the impeachment process to remove Obama from office.  He is a disgrace to the Office of the Presidency, the United States of America and as our representative to the World community.  It is unfortunate that the world did not know that Obama sold himself to the dark-side long ago, with a mission to CHANGE America, by sheer and utter destruction.

July 22, 2011 – White Hats Reports #23

Friday, July 22, 2011

Progress Update:  Murdoch News; Patriots send letter to US Treasury, Senate, House and Obama to save America; The Tropos Files.In White Hats Report #22, we spoke to the issues of a Bilderberg  member interfering in the media exposure of the Bush and Ackerman stories in Germany and America.  We told you the information was highly explosive and we also told you to “Expect much more on this”.When White Hat Report #22 came out the world was on the verge of tipping to one side or the other … the world was going to have to start to change or it was going to succumb.  The arrogance of the Cabal was immense and running rampant.  Now with our friend Rupert taking a tumble, the world is starting to change for the better and the Cabal is in deep shock and very quiet.   Do they leave Rupert in the dust to survive or do they come into the light to help him out?  We are seeing the World that can only take so much. We are seeing when the pimple is ready to pop it will distort the view for a bit of time but in the end the blemish will heal.  You just need the ability to open the blemish up and air it out.Thank You to the United Kingdom for having the outright fortitude to withstand the trauma of Rupert Murdoch and News Corp.  We hope the lives of the men and women who acted as the whistleblowers mean something very dear to you and that you will remember what they have done to keep the free world safe and strong.  Remember them by listening to the people of the world and not the individuals like Murdoch that have aspirations above and beyond humanity.  We do not need this type of individual’s tyranny in the world especially when a person of such supposed esteem is the culprit of such blasphemy against the human race.

So, about the whistleblowers, they did not die from natural causes.  That would be like saying the second airplane hit the World Trade Towers was also a mere coincidence.  To our friends in the United Kingdom, if your Medical Examiners are not proficient with the methods of disposing of someone when the going gets tough, then terminate the guy and allow us to do the autopsy.  We know the methods and the chemicals used for such an activity and can identify the source immediately.

You have a significant problem with the Bildeberg’s thinking they can “handle” the problem by eliminating … killing someone … to keep them from exposing the information.  Just look around at all of the deaths surrounding this already, and in a few short hours look how much has developed and the horn has barely sounded. “Do you think there is a problem?” Well Rupert, there are more whistleblowers.  You will not be able to remove them all.  The target is you and the treasonous things you have done to humanity including controlling the information you have sworn to pass to the world at large.

For the audience, sit back and watch the fireworks.  Rupert, his son, his Board of Directors, his Executives and all of the people they have corrupted have never gone down this path before so let them make all of the statements they want about humility and not knowing . Going on record is always interesting especially if you think you have everything under control.  So, Rupert, the next time we say “Expect much more on this” pull up a seat on the curb…the parade is about to start.

As a final thought … Expect much more on this!

In Addition …

This report is also developed to update our readers on the current events involving the Global Settlements and other United States Treasury obligations.

In reference to the United States Debt problem, patriotic Americans have continued to offer solutions to the most inner circles of Washington D.C.  All leaders of the House of Representative, Senate, the Obama administration, world leaders and the G8/G20 members know that there is no reason to consider raising the US Debt ceiling.  All the US speeches and scare tactics are political positioning and nothing else.   Below is a letter delivered to the inner circle of Senators, Representatives, US Treasury and the Obama administration.  Although this letter was recently leaked to the internet without the permission of the writer, we have received permission to include it below.


This letter is simple and to the point.  As you can see the letter references the undisputed obligation that the US Treasury has to pay.   These obligations are the result of many years of criminal activities in stealing funds by the US Treasury to support and fill the pockets of the Dark Criminal Cabal, the Bushes, Clintons, Obama and many associates in hopes of controlling the world through building a New World Order.   In previous reports we have exposed the large amount of funds stolen by these thieves and deposited in financial institutions like Deutsche Bank, Barclays Bank, The Vatican Bank, Bank of Santander, and other international Banks in the Caribbean and South America.   Regardless of how the funds were stolen, the US Treasury owes these obligations.  The individuals listed in the letter have all agreed to pay US Fed Taxes upon the US Treasury paying their obligations, which will almost pay off our national debt.  These Patriots will also be investing their funds back into America and the World’s financial system to rebuild the global economies for generations to come.  These Patriots are givers and not takers.  They are very serious men with the fortitude to do what is right … by any standard.

We have explained in previous reports some of the reasons why the past and present administrations have refused to pay these obligations, the most important being their greed to fatten their personal bank accounts.  They have stolen Trillions of Dollars of funds over the last 20+ years that were intended to be invested in America.  These criminals, our elected leaders and appointed officials, are so narcissistic that they would do anything to maintain their control over America and the World.   What level of Hell is awaiting these criminals?  Fortunately, their greed and narcissistic tendencies have blinded them.

The White Hats have exposed and will continue to expose these individuals.   With the help of all the patriotic citizens and readers in the United States and the world, this Dark Cabal is coming to an end. But we can only do so much if the people of the United States and the World EXPECT CHANGE.  Then….DEMAND CHANGE … and MAKE THEM ACCOUNTABLE or PUT THEM OUT OF OFFICE.

Below are additional updates to the events in the last two weeks.


Falcone reports that following the notification to Price Waterhouse PLC London regarding the mismanagement by Barclays Bank of the Falcone transaction, Josef Ackermann,  Chairman of the Board of Directors of Deutsche Bank, with the clearance of the U.S. government, had two people dispatched to start following and monitoring Falcone. These actions come not as a surprise because Mr. Falcone’s phones have already been tapped and there are severe consequences ahead for Mr. Ackermann, his associates, and Deutsch Bank.   Currently Mr. Falcone is acquiring the original Wikileaks tapes as filed prior to the tampering and blocking by the United States government. The original tapes contain and demonstrate incriminating information for Josef Ackermann, the C.I.A. and others. Falcone’s matters are addressed in the tapes including certain information regarding payouts in CHIPS that were directed to Mr. Falcone that he never received. The original Wikileak documents and reports further collaborate and confirm the information The White Hats have reported previously.   After the review of these tapes and documents by Mr. Falcone’s attorneys, additional and appropriate lawsuits will follow.


A lot of people have heard of Leo Wanta’s situation over the past several years through various internet sites, which over time has confused the basic truth that the Eastern District Court of Virginia Case #1:07CV609,  by Writ of Mandamus, ordered the United States Government to pay 4.5 Trillion Dollars to Leo Wanta. Leo Wanta has agreed to pay 35% taxes to the US Treasury on the total amount owed, which equal $1.575 Trillion in Federal Taxes.   You may find it helpful to review the Wanta documents posted on our site.


Banking and Politics in the New Millennium:  Lie! Cheat! Steal! Lie some more! Consequences are for the ‘Other Guy’: A Solution to the Debt Ceiling Crisis.

Yes, economies are in free fall propped up only by lies, damn lies, and statistics.  The most precious commodity of all, the “Confidence of the ordinary person,” is being assailed daily. When that “Confidence” tips, it’s all over. When it occurs it will be swift and merciless and we will enter the Hobbsian state of nature, “nasty, brutish, and short.”  The deluded architects of the New World Order may succeed in crumbling economies but have yet to understand that lording over a decimated population who will not willingly create or contribute to society is a sour, empty “victory.”  They will spend more time in fear and in fighting than in enjoying the”good life.” What were they thinking?

In our last posting, we indicated the Dark Cabal’s world is falling apart. And it is. The US debt ceiling crisis and the corresponding likelihood of a US default will mean the evaporation of much of the ‘wealth’ these insiders think they have accumulated. The brinkmanship games on the debt ceiling have necessitated a rescue package of some sort to help soothe the Confidence jitters of the ordinary Joe. But where is it?

Well, it’s been in front of their faces for years. Release funds that have been hijacked and stolen, to their rightful owners and collect the taxes owed. Duh!

Recently, letters from Lindell H. Bonney, Sr., paymaster of the Global Settlements, have circulated to Senators and Congressmen in DC showing that the potential taxes to be collected on just a few of the “thefts in high places” would eliminate the US deficit, and much of its debt, in one fell swoop.

The amount of these thefts is staggering. It’s hard to believe there was that much money and that it could be stolen. Perhaps that is the point. Since supposedly no one would believe it, it couldn’t possibly happen. Much has already been written on Wanta’s funds elsewhere, and the White Hats have written extensively about Falcone’s funds. Today we expose another.

Take the Tropos Capital Corporation (“Tropos”) scenario, for example. In 2004, Tropos entered into a trust agreement with certain account holders at the Bank of Taiwan. Under the terms of the trust agreement, Tropos was charged with investing the capital and distributing the yield to humanitarian projects and, of course, to the beneficiaries.  The account holders had been growing their US dollars for over 60 years and it was a vast sum, over $700 Billion USD (or FRNs) and its deployment then would have averted much of the financial disasters in recent years. So what happened?

Simply put, Timothy Geithner stole the money.  Geithner was head of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, and when the transaction was presented to the FRBNY, he re-directed money.  What was his penalty for being caught?  Promotion to the head of the U.S. Treasury!

The Tropos matter is perhaps the clearest documented example of systemic corruption in the Federal Reserve Banking System.  A little sidebar on the mechanisms used will help underscore the seriousness of the way in which this theft occurred and its far-reaching implications.

Tropos used an ACATS (“Automated Customer Account Transfer System”) to move funds from the Bank of Taiwan to its account at Wachovia Bank (now the Wells Fargo Bank).  ACATS are point-to-point transfers of the holdings of the account “in kind”. They are regularly used, for example, to move all the holdings of a bank or brokerage account from one institution to another without selling the holdings in the account. Say you have an account at Merrill Lynch and you want to move it to Morgan Stanley or E*Trade. The account has securities and cash in it so you complete an ACATS and within a few days your old account’s cash and securities are moved intact to the new institution. ACATS are documents administered by the Depository Trust Clearing Corporation – a wholly owned subsidiary of; you guessed it, the Federal Reserve.

The rules for using ACATS are quite straightforward. To move the account holdings from point A to point B, point A must provide a (notarized) copy of the account statement proving the items to be moved “in kind” are really there. Once the ACATS is signed, the recipient institution/account is now the legal owner, holding the account in trust for the account signatory. It is supposed to be a totally secure transaction.

Because of the size of the movement of USD within the Bank of Taiwan account, Tropos gave a heads up “pre-advise” to the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. Copies of the executed ACATS were provided to FRBNY. And here is where the story slips into the pages of a “who-done-it” financial thriller.

Federal Reserve members went to the Bank of Taiwan and presented the photocopiedACATS themselves and took the $700Billion from the account. They secretly moved the funds through other FRB’s ‘off balance sheet’ but lent it out to banker buddies to use for their platform trading activities, generating enormous yields. Funds were never credited, settled, or paid over to Tropos, nor returned to the Bank of Taiwan account holders.

Tropos has spent much time and money trying to quietly and discreetly recover the funds because, in their opinion, if the story got out in its entirety it could freeze up and destabilize the entire global banking system. It didn’t serve their interest to draw attention to this transfer because; let’s face it, that’s a lot of money. They tried using the political systems in the US, through Senator McCain and Senator Reid and others. Bush Jr. supposedly signed an executive order to pay; Paulson stopped the payment demanding the funds be sent to Goldman Sachs instead of Wachovia, Panetta got involved somehow promising to complete the exec order, while not doing anything. In the soup de jure of dirty tricks politics, Texas funds were deployed to finance a spurious piece of litigation against Tropos’ principals alleging fraud for, get this, Tropos’ law firm taking funds from Tropos’ own trust account and using it on behalf of another client, without the knowledge of the Tropos principals.

The problem for the US banking and political system with the Tropos transaction is, of course, the ACATS paper trail and the notices served upon those whose job and purpose it is to protect the financial systems from the very thing the Fed did.  Hard core proof exists for this theft.  It wasn’t a side deal to do some off balance sheet trading program. Tropos used on balance sheet funds moving through the supposedly trustworthy transfer protocols established by the Fed and the Bank for International Settlements.

Imagine the impact on global commerce and confidence if CFO’s for international companies or finance ministers of sovereign nations grasp that none of their bank holdings and transfers are secure. Suppose GE or any corporation tried to move funds point-to-point, and the Fed stole the money enroute, what would that do to commercial activities? Can’t happen you say, but it’s occurring more and more. The thieving ways are a narcotic to the keepers of the systems. They can’t imagine settling for measly millions in bonuses, they must have more. Besides who cares if they get caught, no one will prosecute; they will pay a small fine and be done with it. Or get promoted to the U.S. Treasury.

Shortly after Obama took the POTUS office, Tropos served a registered notice on him detailing their claim. You can read it here.  Surprise! No response.

(Tropos Request for Presidential Review – Obama June 2009)

Notices were also served upon the Federal Reserve Banks in San Francisco, Dallas, Atlanta, and Richmond  — the funds had be traced through their systems with each one using it along the way – and all members of the FOMC (minus Kohn, since he already knew about it). The demand notices and Notices of Default were served upon them. No one contested, denied, or objected to Tropos’ claims except the Richmond Fed responded saying it was a problem for the FRBNY and DC.  You can read a copy of the one sent to Bernanke here

[Bernanke-Notice of Demand Letter]

[Bernanke FED/BOG Notice of Default July-2010]

Wait, the plot thickens.

The Office of the Comptroller of the Currency opened a case file on the matter but declined to provide any information on their investigation and shortly after receipt of the Tropos demands, the Comptroller quit.

[Comptroller Currency Letter Nov-6-09]

The Bureau of Public Debt was notified as they had issued public debt instruments on fraudulently obtained funds. Notice was served upon them. No response.

[Tropos letter to Bureau of Public Debt]

Tropos took the matter to the Bank for International Settlements asking for them to compel the bank to complete the transfer under their constitutional and regulatory requirements for member banks to clear, settle, and pay over funds transferred using their system. Surprise, the Fed owns 37% of the BIS.  There was not much help there, except the BIS did write back and confirm they have no power to compel any banking transaction to complete. No kidding! Read the letters here. Effectively the BIS admitted they have no power so why would any bank care about Basel III compliance, or anything the BIS says?

  1. Tropos to BIS Letter Nov-2-2010
  2. BIS Response to Tropos Letters Dated Nov-2-and-Oct-31 2010
  3. Tropos Response Nov-22 BIS Letter

The Tropos matter gained traction at the G8/G20 summits, when countries and finance ministers realized there were potentially massive amounts of on balance sheet cash that could be released for investment and infrastructure projects. In the Canada G20 meetings, Obama was frequently asked about Tropos and told everyone that Tropos had been paid. He lied.  No surprise there.  In the Seoul G20, the Tropos matter conversations resulted in no concerted agreement by the countries because by now the credibility of the US was beyond severely damaged. Many of those had read the Tropos letters to POTUS, the Fed and BIS with absolute incredulity.

What’s worse is that it became apparent the US Fed had ‘played’ the Chinese against each other, Taiwan against PROC, when the Tropos funds moved, by making it seem that the Taiwanese had cheated the PROC (Bank of Taiwan is a subsidiary of the Central Bank of China). Does anyone know it’s not a good idea to make the Chinese lose face publicly, if ever?  What a way, to make friends with the largest Debt Holder of Treasuries?

Despite their sworn duties to their offices, none of the parties contacted by Tropos have acted publicly. Certainly an Interpol investigation into the wire fraud and financial fraud actions would yield an interesting outcome. Tropos recently wrote to Christine Lagarde, as G20 finance minister asking her to help resolve the issue, and pointed out this pervasive illegal behavior.

[Letter to G20 Finance President, Christine Lagarde, March-09-2011]

Perhaps the US support for her bid to head the IMF had something to do with her lack of response.

The crazy thing about stealing is that it so complicates life. The Tropos yield funds can’t legally appear on balance sheet, unless they are paid to Tropos, if anyone is concerned about legality. But it’s not a far reach for the Administration and the Senate/Congress to settle the matter with Tropos now, or with the other thefts mentioned; put the funds and yield on balance sheet as taxable gains, and get sufficient funds into US coffers by way of tax payments to avoid the default on the debt ceiling. Ergo no tax increases and no spending cuts (not that we think that’s a good idea). They could make a simple admission of ‘administrative error,’ or some other bogus explanation and release the funds.  That way, they could be “transparent” and be “heroes” for negotiating a good deal for the US.

So, why does the Administration pretend to have debt ceiling problems when they can simply pay what has been stolen and collect taxes on the gain? Perhaps it is the insane desire of these thieves to keep what they can never spend freely, so that more crushing debt burdens can be placed on a beleaguered populace, so that they can rob them again, so they can have more screen digits they cannot spend freely. If so, then the strategy is exposed and the people can do something about it. You decide.

Dare we say “Expect much more on this”.

July 5, 2011 – White Hats Report #22

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Progress Update:   The Cabal’s World Is Falling Apart; Obama and Geithner Breach of Duty on the Global Settlements;  Bush, Sr., Clintons & Bush, Jr. Secret Closed Files Under Heavy Review.We are finding that being the lead in any effort is difficult but if you are truthful, fair and balanced in your reporting then over time, people listen, investigate, evaluate and respond.  This has been a long drawn out journey for the White Hats but thankfully what we have been stating for months has intertwined with other domestic and international news and activities.  Being in the lead position also creates opportunity to push the agendas, reopen closed, long forgotten files and to welcome new members to the White Hats community … yes, we have grown into a community. Our people, from the lowest level to the highest level, both domestic and international, have discovered that what we have stated from the beginning is absolutely true.  Some knew we were correct in our thinking, others not so sure, but what they all know now is that we have a common cause and fight.We know about the Bush family, the Clintons and now Obama trying to usher in and implement the New World Order (NWO). Many say this is not news and others are thankful that we are facing it head on. But why hasn’t the public at large heard about it?  The answer is simple; total, complete and unimpeded control of the media.  It has been their unequivocal arrogance and their unrelenting harassment of what they perceive as “the little people”.  People they thought did not have the ability to do anything to curtail their plans … people they never thought in their wildest dreams would have ever had the ability to disseminate a concept and speak to the issues with such exacting measure that other of the world leaders have committed their beliefs and resources to taking down this administration and all it stands for which includes the finest Puppet Master ever known to man – George Bush, Sr.   As we have learned from our past mistakes, history does repeat itself; it is sad to admit that most of us were sleeping at the wheel and were taken on the proverbial ride on this one.  When the ride stopped, we never thought we’d find the villains in America under American leadership.

Now, the tide is turning in America and along with the support of the International Community, the heat is being turned up on these individuals.  From our standpoint it is easy to say that we are closing them down but we still have prominent individuals  … like current Presidential Candidate Mitt Romney and Texas Lt. Governor David Dewhurst … that have participated in the theft of large amounts of investor monies and the cover-up that surround it.   We also have Presidential Appointees that hope they will never be exposed for their past actions regardless if it was due to political pressure or other reason … to us it doesn’t matter.  If they weren’t strong enough to stand up to the pressure in the past, then they are not strong enough to stand up to the pressure in the present.  If they were dirty in the past, then they will be prone to corruption in the future.  It’s difficult to believe these people have been elected to office to represent the people. They have failed us, they have lied to us, they have tried to circumvent us and they have held the American citizens, “We The People”, hostage to their own empire building schemes, bribery and corruption rackets.

But there is an awakening, a light beaming into the dark closets of the past and present.  As we speak, the past is catching up to the Bush family and both Clintons. Many files that have been “officially closed” are now being “officially opened” to be reviewed one more time. Files like the Vince Foster death, the Ron Brown death, the Noriega files … even the Prescott Bush files … everything is being opened up to look for the patterns and the depth of the intended NWO takeover.

Why all of the sudden is the world interested in these files?  Well, as you move through your daily existence it is difficult to see someone else’s short term goals and ultimate long term goals as they are developing.  After a long string of events, especially over 50 years of political actions, it is easy to see how a plan takes shape.  In the same ilk, now that we are here with the past seemingly forgotten, the shame is starting to come upon us … as a people.  Embarrassingly, we have left our guard down and we have forgotten.

There are many issues that for the sake of our country will not be disclosed but are currently under review by the people on the inside, some things are better left unsaid, but for all of us in the inner circle worldwide the patterns of activities need to be reviewed … we, as professionals, have been purposely led astray and lied to in our duties to serve and protect.  Now, we are doing the clean up and will not quit until justice prevails.  As the saying goes “The Jig is Up!”.  Now, all of our former leaders are the targets of the investigations.  They should be feeling the heat of the fire as we speak … the empire is burning and will never have the opportunity to reconstruct  itself … so help us God!


In that light, in Germany, Saturday, July 1st at 1am est, the strongest public indictment of the Cabal has been issued. This includes our current Administration, the Bushes, the Clintons, Greenspan, Geithner, Goldman Sachs, Josef Ackermann, and all of the minions including those currently controlling and sitting as members of the Bilderbergs and other elitist families and groups.  This release has already grown long legs and is getting quite the force of speed behind it in the international community.  But did anyone notice our very own media outlets, and the international media oultets after initially reporting, they were forced to drop it. Why?   The Answer: The Bilderberg Society has come to the aid of the group.  This information is very explosive and control from the group to containerize it was required before it got out of control.    Expect much more on this.


With their power base crumbling around them, the following additional activities have occurred and are currently under continuing investigation.  It’s no wonder why Geithner is so damn desperate to leave.  Here’s why!

A)    Despite the US Treasury assuring multiple Global Trust Paymasters of their long overdue payments last week, the payments again failed to materialize.   Bush Sr, again ordered, his boys, Obama and Geithner to block any and all payments.

B)    Although Bush, Sr. and Obama were able to prevent the release of the payments, a tremendous amount of progress has been made to further expose, prevent and halt their activities.

  • On June 24th, Geithner made an illegal play to divert part of the Global Settlement funds to Josef Ackerman, Chairman of Deutsche Bank, with the plan of working the funds through the middle of July.   Fortunately, the evening of June 24th a plane left the US travelling directly to visit Ackerman, with special enforcement personal from the group responsible for getting the Global Settlements completed.   Ackerman’s Plan was stopped.   Upon their return from Germany, Geithner was visited by the same enforcement personal and, will again, if he continues to be a problem.
  • By June 29th, it became public that Geithner is planning on resigning.
  • On July 1st, Geithner was also contacted about the 700 Million Dollars he moved from his personal account in The Vatican Bank to other accounts, at many banks around the globe. Did Geithner actually think we wouldn’t know his movements with the cash?  Does he really think we will allow him to keep that money and the other funds he has participated in stealing?  This is not a reality.
  • It has been determined that Congress does not have the guts to investigate all of the claims that have been put forth to them.  We know in several instances that certain of the names on the list of Vatican Bank account holders and presumed pay-off recipients are the reason.  Every one of the Congressional Leaders including Issa has the knowledge in front of them.  Hemming and hawwing … claiming to not want to rock the very delicate boat the United States is in at this time.  We say bullshit … the problem we are in is solely due to the garbage that is happening behind the scenes and not one of our senior leaders has the fortitude to confront the monsters that are dealing with head on.


Mr. Secretary, you have proven to be incompetent and a total failure, but Obama needs you as an expendable scapegoat … you know the language, “to protect the Office of the President of the United States at all costs”.  You don’t think they will let you resign do you?  When you left the Treasury building on Friday and you shook everyone’s hands telling them you are gone {for good}, did you think the holiday weekend would be easy?  You got hammered by the Administration begging you to stay by subtleties of the persuasion.   It’s a very difficult spot.  Putting you squarely in the hot seat.

Mr. Secretary, you have been well paid to strategically perform these criminal actions and to ruthlessly take all the heat, in the beginning, fronting for Alan Greenspan at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, and then the US Treasury.  You have been a good soldier but even you are not important enough to protect as a valuable asset, i.e. any of the Bush family members.

Mr. Secretary, the pressure is mounting and you can watch for yourself.   In the last week, some old files are re-emerging on the international stage, i.e. the Vince Foster and Ron Brown cases. Both were in high level positions, but at some point they apparently needed to be dealt with. Why?  At that point in time the issue was simple … a man, his oral fixation, a cigar, an intern and a dress.

In a significant move, court documents have been unsealed by a Special Division of the United States Court of Appeals, which will prove the FBI and OIC covered-up in the Independent Counsel’s probe into the Death of Deputy White House Counsel Vincent W. Foster, and it further exposes the criminal activities of past and present White House Administrations.  If it can happen to them, it can easily happen to you.  This time there is far more at stake, and do you really think they will allow you to just walk away when you know all the secrets?

You know that you have stolen for your Masters, from multiple nations to vast amounts of Investor funds, which have all been recorded.   Are you really thinking you can escape justice and America will let you spend one dollar of the funds you were paid to perform these illegal activities?  Your only option to lesson your punishment will be if you make a deal immediately, which we encourage you to do.


On June 22nd, a Writ was delivered to Phillip Rivett, Senior Statutory Auditor of Price Waterhouse Coopers LLP, London, who was officially put on notice as Auditors for Barclays Bank of illegal trade activity utilizing Mr. Falcone’s investment funds on buy/sell programs that created billions of dollars for certain government officials, including key officials of Deutsche Bank and for special accounts held by the CIA at Barclays Bank.  This litigation will materially impact Price Waterhouse Coopers LLP, Barclays Bank and Deutsch Bank.  The lead attorney firm on record for Mr. Falcone is Fuerst Ittleman of Miami, Florida.

In addition, the litigation has already created panic with KPMG, the lead international accounting firm. We know that between the two firms each has expended significant amounts of time, energy and resources in the attempt to get their hands around the problem and the culprits. The culprits answer to the accounting firms is “We’ll take care of it”.  Maybe in the past that would be a solid assurance but not currently.  The world is falling apart and we are just waiting for either of these firms to believe that this is going away.  You, Mr. Secretary, are the titular head of all of this … you have the keys to the NWO’s Pandora’s Box.

This criminal audit trail, from Josef Ackermann to the Bushes, Biden, Herzog, Clinton, Romney and Geithner, is in the hands of a number of Law Firms, proceeding through Global Regulatory Legal actions including criminal investigations.   Records have been filed with trustworthy Global Enforcement   Agencies such as the FSA (Financial Service Association).   China and the EU countries are all working together and have the full sordid unsavoury details of these betrayals. Bank Accounts from the Caribbean to the EU are all traced and records are on file for the courts. More Bank Officers are ready to attest when subpoenaed.

Mr. Secretary, do you think they care about the NWO?  Not the smart ones.  If you are worried about whether you are going to make it through all of this, you need to stop, talk to your attorneys, cut a deal and remove yourself from your post.

The Department of Treasury will survive without you, the Country will survive without you and the international community will survive without you.  Obama and the others will be concerned but they will appoint someone else to be their puppet.  If you want to lessen the damage to yourself and your family, you might consider turning into a White Hat and reverse all of the damage you have participated in and have knowledge of.  It won’t be easy, but it will be easier for you.  You will need to turn on your former employers.  Yes, they have had their moment of power but right now, we are powerful as well.  What side of the world do you wish to play on?  Do you want to play on the side of the people, like where you started, or do you wish to be one of the extinguished one thousand points of light?  They are not in control any longer.  Their very foundation is deteriorating with all of the problems they’ve created and cannot stay in control of any longer.  We know that much has been kept from you, you’re just another pawn in the big game and your whole side is experiencing checkmate.  Just come clean before we take more actions like the ones that have hit your doorstep and the ones that you have personal knowledge of that are about to hit your doorstep.  You know how to reach out to us. We promise to be there.

You might want to make up your mind soon as you are fast becoming a liability to your Masters.  You are expendable and not in a position of trust, but you already know this.  You know they will do anything to stay alive … like a rat backed into a corner.  So, realistically, we might be the best chance for survival, either literal or political or figuratively.  Just think about it. Make the call.


What we want to know is what the two lone wild cards will do?

General Petraeus, are you willing to go along with this duplicitous conspiracy once appointed to the CIA or will you stand up and make the people that believed in your moral fiber so strongly that they gave you the support you needed to make the Academy?  They and the world need you now … not later.

General Colin Powell (Ret.), we ask of you the same.  We need your specific leadership.  In a meeting, you once stated that you would never allow your name to be placed in the presidential hat, “If the Trust is still in control.”  Sir, this is the time we need you, your strength and your faith in America. We know your idealism has been challenged, your duty to your Country has been lessened by others and we know that you are mad as hell.  Help us take control … don’t hide in a fox hole while these men you were formerly employed by attempt to take control of the world.  Help us take the ground back that is America instead of what the elitists are attempting to do.

Regardless of the trajectory of the political planets we need strength to lead us through the difficult times ahead of us in the short term and the long term.  The world will need strong men of valor, not conniving snakes that will grasp on to the opportunities that will benefit them alone.  You are highly respected men that led fellow Americans into war … you have the strength to lead the world through the coming tough times.  Our current leaders do not have the ability, nor have they shown they can accept the responsibility of their positions. It’s time to step forward and be counted before it’s too late.  For God and Country … and now, the people of the World.