12.18.11 Jesus was a Socialist??????

Hi Gang:

You probably got the email earlier today about Poofs post http://sirratatap.com/category/poof-reports/12-18-11-poofness-season-greetings/ and its header threw me for a loop for a second.  While I do not know Poof personally, I have grown to respect her/him (think its a her but correct me if I am wrong) for a lot of the intel that aligns with my contacts.  Poofs intel tends to reaffirm what I am being told and even fills in blanks once in a while.

I am not sure how many have followed me and for how long but once in a while I will post a book I am reading or a subject I am studying.  One of those studies happens to be about Socialism.  I am trying to understand it and hence why Poofs headline caught my attention.  Jesus is a Socialist.  Hmmm it caught me off guard and even made me say “What the heck?”.  Then I had to wonder what it had to do with the article at all.

After stewing it over for a couple minutes and pondering over the book “Socialism – An Economic and Sociological Analysis by Ludwig von Mises”  ( http://www.amazon.com/Socialism-Sociological-Ludwig-von-Mises/dp/1933550511/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1324353796&sr=1-1 ) that I am reading, it occurred to me that God and Jesus as Christians are taught through the bible were indeed “THE” definition of Socialist.

I do not want to create any ill feelings here because again I am reading to understand what the true definaition of Socialism is and how it actually can be applied in todays world and even though I cannot see that happening or any clear direction on how that can happen, I do understand that God and Jesus were Socialist.

Let me explain.  Having took two years of theology, I might have a little insight.  Lets start with God.  (Again I am coming from a Christian’s view point and from the Bible that backs up its beliefs)  God had created the garden of Eden.  It was perfect.  There were no wants and there were no needs.  All was met by its maker.  God had created the perfect scenario for Socialism.  Share in the bounty for there is enough for everyone.  It was that way until they partook of the tree of good and evil and were banished from the garden.  That is when ‘Man” had to fend for himself and thus created the havoc we have today – ownership. (So much more I could say on this)

Jesus on the other hand shows us a different aspect of “How to live” in a world like this.  God, even though we were banished from the garden promised he would always take care of us and provide for us if we would but have faith.  Jesus lived this faith and all was provided for him.  He owned nothing and gave everything he had to the peoples – even his own life to show us that we indeed have power over death.

It was those few minutes that I pondered that made me arrive with this revalation and acceptance of Poofs header.  Jesus was a Socialist.  I believe that.

The question that still plagues my mind and believe me I am trying to understand because I believe if we all could live like Jesus with that kind of faith, Socialism could work.  What I cannot see for the life of me is how do we enter back into perfect harmony with each other – with our surroundings and with our thoughts on a level such as God’s or Jesus’.  Where I am at today, in my mind, if I were to ask a Bush or Obama to give up half of what they have to support Socialism, would they do it?  The sad fact is I really doubt it.  How many of us would – if you were honest – really.  That is where I have to ask how can it work and how do we get there.

Please do not take this wrong.  I give when there is a needy hand – even when it is a sacrifice for my family.  What is mine is yours – I try to live that.  I believe in the Holy and Spiritual concept of Socialism but I cannot see any of our politicians guiding us into that perfect harmony and therefore cannot as of yet subscribe to the political Socialism that is being forced on us – forgive me those I have offended but I hope my honesty will challenge you to search your own soul and ask it – Can I give half of everything I own to the needy or one better all that I own as Jesus did?  Jesus was a Socialist……

Thanks Poof for making me think tonight – it moved me…

Posted on December 20, 2011, in A Bloggers View (My Comments). Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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